讲座题目:Lesser evil under the powerful and watchful eyes? The influence of major corporate customers on suppliers' corporate social irresponsibility (CSI)
时 间:2023年9月12日(星期二)下午13:30—15:30
地 点:六合彩网站
,目前任职于上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院组织管理系,任副教授、博士生导师。研究方向聚焦于企业社会责任、企业伦理、ESG等。过往研究发表在Strategic Management Journal、Journal of Management、Journal of Business Ethics等期刊。获得第八届高等学校科学研究(人文社会科学)青年成果奖。
Previous studies have shown that major corporate customers can utilize their power to affect their suppliers’ corporate social irresponsibility (CSI). Drawing from the awareness-motivation-capability (AMC) framework, we extend this literature by arguing that the influence of major corporate customers’ power is salient only when they have been aware of suppliers’ CSI and when they have motivation to use their power to request suppliers to decease CSI. Our empirical results demonstrate that suppliers’ CSI becomes lower when major corporate customers are more concentrated and thus more powerful. More importantly, we find suppliers' three characteristics related to major corporate customers’ awareness and motivation strongly moderate this relationship, which tends to be insignificant if major corporate customers’ awareness and motivation are at low level. Using a dataset of US-listed firms as suppliers from 1991 to 2018, our empirical evidence provides robust support for our arguments. The implications of the findings for theory and practice are discussed.