


来源:六合彩网站   韩晓东     发布时间: 2022-10-20    点击量:

讲座题目:Advertising Strategies for the Proprietary and Open-Source Systems

主讲嘉宾Xiuli He(何秀丽)








Xiuli He(何秀丽) is a Professor of Operations Management at the Belk College of Business and an Affiliate Professor at the School of Data Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She received her PhD in Supply Chain and Operations Management from the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests include supply chain management, OM-Finance interface, and OM-marketing interface. Her research has appeared in Production and Operations Management (POM), Decision Sciences Journal, European Journal of Operational Research, Omega, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Operational Research Society, Annals of Operations Research, Operations Research Letters, and other academic journals. She was former associate editors for Omega and International Journal of Production Research. She serves as the Vice President for Colleges and is on the editorial board of Production and Operations Management. She is a past recipient of the Belk College’s “Outstanding Service” Award, POMS’s Outstanding Service” Award, and Decision Sciences Journal’s “Outstanding Reviewer”. Prior to joining UNC Charlotte in 2008, Xiuli was a visiting assistant professor at UT Dallas. Xiuli also worked as an equity analyst in Shanghai prior to her doctoral study. Xiuli received a BE in Mechanical Engineering from Shanghai Tie Dao University (Now Tongji University), a MS in Management Science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.


We investigate how the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) determine advertising strategies for smartphone products. Consumers have heterogeneous valuation of the device quality and are with homogeneous operating system (OS) quality. OEM has two advertising strategies: informative advertising (IA) and persuasive advertising (PA). We consider the proprietary and open-source OS development strategies. Our results show that in the proprietary system, the OS quality serves as an accelerator (stimuli) for the OEM to expand the base market. The OEM prefers IA when its effectiveness is not lower than a threshold and prefers PA regardless of its effectiveness. In the open-source system, The OEM chooses PA when the OS quality is low and chooses not to advertise when the OS quality is high. When the OS quality is moderate, the OEM’s decision depends on the PA effectiveness. Interestingly, the OEM prefers PA for a low effectiveness, and prefers no advertising for a high effectiveness. We find that the OEM may not always prefer advertising (a) when the effectiveness of IA is low, or the effectiveness of PA is high for a moderate OS quality; or (b) the effectiveness of IA is not low for a high OS quality. When the effectiveness of IA is moderate, the OEM chooses between PA and IA.