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科学研究:[1]Peiran Li, Xianghui Yuan & Liwei Jin (2023) “National team intervention and price efficiency differentiation under the impact of COVID-19”, Applied Economics. [2]Peiran Li, Xianghui Yuan & Liwei Jin (2023) “Government direct intervention and stock market concentration”, Applied Economics. [3]Jin, L., Yuan, X., Peiran, L., Xu, H., & Lian, F. (2023). Option features and price discovery in convertible bonds. Journal of Futures Markets,1–20. [4]Jin, L., Yuan, X., Wang, S., Li, P., & Lian, F. (2022). Trades or quotes: Which drives price discovery? Evidence from Chinese index futures markets. Journal of Futures Markets, 1–13.
李沛然,六合彩网站推荐 金融系讲师,主要研究方向为金融市场有效性及金融政策评估。于西安交通大学金融科技系取得应用经济学博士学位,导师为元向辉教授。曾在Applied Economics, Journal of Futures Markets 等期刊发表多篇学术论文。在International Review of Financial Analysis, Financial research letters等期刊担任匿名审稿人。