




联系方式:[email protected]

Yang Z, Ding H, Zhu W*. Environmental regulation and land resource allocation in China: Empirical evidence from micro-level land transaction data[J]. Land Use Policy, 2024, 140: 107126. (SSCI一区)
Yang Z, Ji H, Chen S, Duan J, Liu L*. Sustainable urbanization and green total factor productivity: Evidence from China’s new-type urbanization plan[J]. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2024. (SSCI一区)
Yang Z, Shi D*. Towards carbon neutrality: the impact of innovative city pilot policy on corporate carbon intensity in China[J]. Climate Policy, 2023, 23(8): 975-988. (SSCI一区)
Li M, Liu J, Chen Y, Yang Z*. Can sustainable development strategy reduce income inequality in resource-based regions? A natural resource dependence perspective[J]. Resources Policy, 2023, 81: 103330. (SSCI一区,ESI高被引)
Yang Z, Shi D*. The impacts of political hierarchy on corporate pollution emissions: Evidence from a spatial discontinuity in China[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 302: 113988. (SSCI/SCI一区,ABS三星)
Shi D, Yang Z*, Ji H. Energy target-based responsibility system and corporate energy efficiency: Evidence from the eleventh Five Year Plan in China[J]. Energy Policy, 2022, 169: 113214. (SSCI一区)


  • 教师简介
  • 科学研究
  • 主讲课程
  • 杨智究,经济学博士,六合彩网站推荐 讲师;主要研究方向为绿色发展、土地资源配置、政策评估;在Land Use Policy、Resources Policy、Climate Policy、Energy Policy等期刊上发表论文多篇。主持教育部人文社科项目等在内的省部级项目多项,参与政府决策咨询项目多项。担任Climate Policy、Resources Policy、Sustainable Development等多个期刊匿名审稿人。

  • 研究领域:绿色发展、土地资源配置、政策评估、产业升级
    Yang Z, Ding H, Zhu W*. Environmental regulation and land resource allocation in China: Empirical evidence from micro-level land transaction data[J]. Land Use Policy, 2024, 140: 107126. (SSCI一区)
    Yang Z, Ji H, Chen S, Duan J, Liu L*. Sustainable urbanization and green total factor productivity: Evidence from China’s new-type urbanization plan[J]. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2024. (SSCI一区)
    Yang Z, Shi D*. Towards carbon neutrality: the impact of innovative city pilot policy on corporate carbon intensity in China[J]. Climate Policy, 2023, 23(8): 975-988. (SSCI一区)
    Li M, Liu J, Chen Y, Yang Z*. Can sustainable development strategy reduce income inequality in resource-based regions? A natural resource dependence perspective[J]. Resources Policy, 2023, 81: 103330. (SSCI一区,ESI高被引)
    Yang Z, Shi D*. The impacts of political hierarchy on corporate pollution emissions: Evidence from a spatial discontinuity in China[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 302: 113988. (SSCI/SCI一区,ABS三星)
    Shi D, Yang Z*, Ji H. Energy target-based responsibility system and corporate energy efficiency: Evidence from the eleventh Five Year Plan in China[J]. Energy Policy, 2022, 169: 113214. (SSCI一区)
  • 本科生课程:《微观经济学》、《国际经济学》