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[1] Gong, Xiushuang; Zhang, Honghong*; Zhang, Xiadan; Wang Yan. Circular or angular? How nostalgia affects product shape preference. Psychology & Marketing, 2023, 40(2): 288-299. (SSCI ABS3)
[2] Gong, Xiushuang; Zhang, Honghong*. You are being watched! Using anthropomorphism to curb customer misbehavior in access-based consumption. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2023, 70: 103164. (SSCI ABS2)
[3] Zhang, Honghong; Gong, Xiushuang*. Influencing and being influenced: effects of individual influence and susceptibility on new product adoption, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 2022, 31(6): 886-898. (SSCI ABS1)
[4] Fam, Kim-Shyan; Richard, James E.; McNeill, Lisa S.; Waller, David S.; Zhang, Honghong. Sales promotion: the role of equity sensitivity. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2022, 34(9): 1827-1848. (SSCI ABS1)
[5] Zhang, Honghong; Gong, Xiushuang*. Consumer susceptibility to social influence in new product diffusion networks: How does network location matter? European Journal of Marketing, 2021, 55(5): 1469-1488. (SSCI ABS3)
[6] Zhang, Honghong; Gong, Xiushuang*. Leaders that bind: The role of network position and network density in opinion leaders’ responsiveness to social influence, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2021, 33(10): 2019-2036. (SSCI ABS1)
[7] Gong, Xiushuang; Zhang, Honghong*; Fan, Yafeng. To conform or deviate? The effect of resource scarcity on consumer preference for minority-endorsed options, Journal of Business Research, 2021, 122: 437-446. (SSCI ABS3)
[8] 张红红;宫秀双*. 社会网络结构与社会影响易感性——基于新产品扩散网络的研究, 软科学, 2021, 35(7): 130-135. (CSSCI)
[9] 宫秀双; 张红红*. 社会排斥类型对求助行为意愿的影响. 心理科学, 2021, 44(05): 1179-1185. (CSSCI)
[10] 宫秀双;张红红*. “别人家的孩子” vs.平庸的自己: 社会比较对独特性寻求行为的影响, 心理学报, 2020, 52(5): 645-658. (CSSCI)
[11] Zhang, Honghong; Fam, Kim-Shyan; Goh, Tiong-Thye; Dai, Xin*. When are influentials equally influenceable? The strength of strong ties in new product adoption, Journal of Business Research, 2018, 82: 160-170. (SSCI ABS3)
[1] Zhang, Honghong. The Impact of Influencer-generated Content on Consumer Online Engagement, 2021 Chinese Marketing Association of Universities (CMAU) Conference, Xi’an, 2021.7.18-7.21
[2] Zhang, Honghong; Gong, Xiushuang. An exploration of the moderating role of network structural characteristics in the relationships between individual influence and susceptibility, 2020 Marketing Science and Innovation (MSI) Conference, Online conference, 2020.7.11-7.12
[3] Zhang, Honghong; Goh, Tiong-Thye. Are female consumers more influenceable than male consumers? Gender differences in susceptibility to social influence in new product adoption, 2019 Annual Conference of JMS, Chengdu, China, 2019.10.25-10.27
[4] Zhang, Honghong; Goh, Tiong-Thye; Sun, Ge. Opinion leadership and susceptibility to social influence in new product adoption: The moderating role of density, 2018 AMA Summer Academic Conference (Summer AMA), Boston, USA. 2018.08.10-08.12
[5] Zhang, Honghong. Susceptibility to social influence in new product adoption: Does the network position matter? 2018 China Marketing International Conference, Shanghai, China. 2018.7.20-
[6] Zhang, Honghong; Goh, Tiong-Thye; Fam, Kim-Shyan. Opinion leadership and susceptibility to social influence in new product adoption: Does tie strength matter? 2015 AMA Summer Academic Conference (Summer AMA), Chicago, USA. 2015.08.14-08.16
[7] Zhang, Honghong; Fam, Kim-Shyan; Goh, Tiong-Thye. Social influence in new product adoption: The moderating effects of gender and degree centrality, 2015 Academy of Marketing Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 2015.07.07-07.09
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,社会网络与新产品采用:二元网络结构驱动的社会影响机制研究,2022.01-2024.12,在研,主持
[2] 教育部人文社科基金青年项目,新媒体环境下意见领袖对社会影响有关问题研究,2020.01-2022.12,已结题,主持
[3] 江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究一般项目,个体的意见领导力对其社会影响易感性的作用机理研究,2020.01-2022.12,已结题,主持
[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,组织中灰色道德领导的前因与后果:多层次视角,2023.01-2026.12,在研,参加
[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,比较性信息反馈对居民节能行为的影响机理及其情境边界研究,2019.01-2022.12,已结题,参加
张红红. 社交网络中的社会影响和新产品采用, 厦门大学出版社, 285千字, 2020
主讲课程:市场营销学,Marketing Research,Consumer Behavior