联系方式:[email protected]
(1) Changyu Wang, Meiyun Zuo, Xiaomi An. Differential influences of perceived organizational factors on younger employees' participation in offline and online intergenerational knowledge transfer. International Journal of Information Management (SSCI, JCR1区,所在学科影响因子排名1/89), 2017, 37(6): 650-663
(2) Jiaojiao Feng, Changyu Wang(*通讯作者). Does abusive supervision always promote employees to hide knowledge? From both reactance and COR perspectives. Journal of Knowledge Management (SSCI, JCR1区, 所在学科影响因子排名3/89), 2019, 23 (7), 1455-1474.
(3) Junjie Zhou, Changyu Wang(*通讯作者). Improving cancer survivors’ e-health literacy via online health communities (OHCs): a social support perspective. Journal of Cancer Survivorship (SSCI, JCR1区), 2019, 14: 244-252.
(4) Jinwei Zhu, Yangyang Wang, Changyu Wang(*通讯作者). A comparative study of the effects of different factors on firm technological innovation performance in different high-tech industries, Chinese Management Studies(SSCI), 2019, 13(1), 2-25.
(5) 汪长玉, 左美云.从传承理论视角看年长员工代际知识转移意愿.科研管理(国自科基金委管理学部A刊) , 2017, (08): 134-142.
(6) 汪长玉, 左美云. “印记感”、形象期望及人生发展阶段对员工代际知识转移意愿的影响. 管理评论 (国自科基金委管理学部A刊), 2018, 30(4): 169-179.
(7) 汪长玉, 左美云, 代际和同辈知识转移对年轻员工创新行为的影响研究. 管理学报(国自科基金委管理学部B刊) , 2018, 15(6): 108-115.
(8) 汪长玉, 左美云. 年长员工代际知识转移意愿研究:人生意义与人生发展阶段的影响. 商业经济与管理(CSSCI) , 2017, (09): 24-33.
(9) 汪长玉, 左美云.代际知识转移:前因及效果.信息系统学报(CSSCI),2018, (01), 72-87.
(10) 于海云, 汪长玉(*通讯作者),赵增耀, 乡村电商创业集聚的动因及机理研究——以江苏沭阳“淘宝村”为例. 经济管理(CSSCI,中国人文社会科学核心期刊-A刊) , 2018, (12): 39-54.
(11) 汪长玉,左美云.退休员工知识保留的内容和方式研究. 中国人力资源开发(PKU) , 2014, (11): 10-17.
(12) 左美云, 侯静波, 汪长玉, 哪些老人不说话? 基于标签的老年缄默用户预测.信息资源管理学报(PKU) , 2017, (04): 44~50, 57
(13) 汪长玉, 郭东强. 企业知识管理实施影响因素的关系结构分析. 科技管理研究(CSSCI), 2009, (05): 393~395
(1) Changyu Wang, Meiyun Zuo, Xuefei Quan. Knowledge sharing of senior employees in the context of task-based cooperation: A game theoretic analysis, PACIS(Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems), 2014.6.25-2014.6.27
(2) Changyu Wang,Meiyun Zuo, Yifan Bo. Factors affecting knowledge transfer from pre-retirees to younger employees , 11th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management(ICSSSM 2014), 2014.6 .25-2014.6.27
(3) Changyu Wang, Bin Zhu, Meiyun Zuo, Jingbo Hou, Differences between Younger and Senior Information Providers in Senior Online Communities, WeB 2016 Workshop of ICIS, 2016.12.11-2016.12.12 .
(4) Changyu Wang, Bin Zhu, Meiyun Zuo, Jingbo Hou. Helping Senior Participants Acquire the Right Type of Social Support in Online Communities, CSWIM(China Summer Workshop on Information Management), 2016.6.25-2016.6.26