






 [1] Jiang, Z., Wang, Z., Zeng, Y. (2020) Can voluntary environmental regulation promote corporate technological innovation? Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(2): 390-406. (SSCI一区,IF: 5.483,一作)
 [2] Jiang, Z., Wang, Z., & Li, Z. (2018). The effect of mandatory environmental regulation on innovation performance: Evidence from China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 203, 482-491. (SCI一区,IF: 7.246,一作)
 [3] Jiang, Z., Wang, Z., Feng, C. (2020). Balancing the strength of external and internal tie for tacit knowledge management. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 32(7): 785-800.(SSCI,IF: 1.867,一作)
 [4] Wang, Z., Jiang, Z*. (2020). How R&D originality affects open innovation under knowledge spillovers? European Journal of Innovation Management, , 23(4): 604-628. (SSCI,IF: 2.613,通讯)
 [5] Feng, C., Tan, J., Jiang, Z*, Chen, S. (2020). A generalized European option pricing model with risk management. Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 545: 123797. (SCI,IF: 2.924,通讯)
 [6] Li, Z., Wang, Z., Liu, C., & Jiang, Z*. (2019). The knowledge flow analysis on multimedia information using evolutionary game model. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(1), 965-994. (SCI,IF: 2.313,通讯)
 [7]王宗军, 蒋振宇. 中国式创新导论 [M]. 武汉:华中科技大学出版社(待出版).
 [8]蒋振宇,王宗军,潘文砚. 开放度对创新能力作用的新路径:一个有调节的中介模型[J]. 管理评论, 2019,31(10): 85-98. (基金委A类,一作)
 [9]王宗军,蒋振宇*. 从知识获取到创新能力:信息素养的调节效应[J]. 科研管理, 2020, 41(1): 274-284.(基金委A类,通讯)
 [10]蒋振宇,王宗军. 关系强度对创新意愿和创新能力的影响机理——基于企业内外部视角的分析[J]. 研究与发展管理, 2020,32(3):123-135.(基金委B类,一作)
 [11]Zhenyu Jiang, Zongjun Wang. (2018). How innovation strategies affect the role of openness under knowledge spillovers? Conference paper, PICMET. (EI收录,一作)


  • 教师简介
  • 科学研究
  • 主讲课程
  • 蒋振宇,华中科技大学管理学博士,讲师。2020年8月入职六合彩网站推荐 组织管理系。


  • 1.研究方向

     [1] Jiang, Z., Wang, Z., Zeng, Y. (2020) Can voluntary environmental regulation promote corporate technological innovation? Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(2): 390-406. (SSCI一区,IF: 5.483,一作)
     [2] Jiang, Z., Wang, Z., & Li, Z. (2018). The effect of mandatory environmental regulation on innovation performance: Evidence from China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 203, 482-491. (SCI一区,IF: 7.246,一作)
     [3] Jiang, Z., Wang, Z., Feng, C. (2020). Balancing the strength of external and internal tie for tacit knowledge management. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 32(7): 785-800.(SSCI,IF: 1.867,一作)
     [4] Wang, Z., Jiang, Z*. (2020). How R&D originality affects open innovation under knowledge spillovers? European Journal of Innovation Management, , 23(4): 604-628. (SSCI,IF: 2.613,通讯)
     [5] Feng, C., Tan, J., Jiang, Z*, Chen, S. (2020). A generalized European option pricing model with risk management. Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 545: 123797. (SCI,IF: 2.924,通讯)
     [6] Li, Z., Wang, Z., Liu, C., & Jiang, Z*. (2019). The knowledge flow analysis on multimedia information using evolutionary game model. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(1), 965-994. (SCI,IF: 2.313,通讯)
     [7]王宗军, 蒋振宇. 中国式创新导论 [M]. 武汉:华中科技大学出版社(待出版).
     [8]蒋振宇,王宗军,潘文砚. 开放度对创新能力作用的新路径:一个有调节的中介模型[J]. 管理评论, 2019,31(10): 85-98. (基金委A类,一作)
     [9]王宗军,蒋振宇*. 从知识获取到创新能力:信息素养的调节效应[J]. 科研管理, 2020, 41(1): 274-284.(基金委A类,通讯)
     [10]蒋振宇,王宗军. 关系强度对创新意愿和创新能力的影响机理——基于企业内外部视角的分析[J]. 研究与发展管理, 2020,32(3):123-135.(基金委B类,一作)
     [11]Zhenyu Jiang, Zongjun Wang. (2018). How innovation strategies affect the role of openness under knowledge spillovers? Conference paper, PICMET. (EI收录,一作)
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