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[1] Xiao J, Wen F, He Z. Impact of geopolitical risks on investor attention and speculation in the oil market: Evidence from nonlinear and time-varying analysis. Energy, 2023, 267: 126564. (SCI, JCR一区)
[2] He Z. Geopolitical risks and investor sentiment: Causality and TVP-VAR analysis. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2023, 67, 101947. (SSCI, ABS二星)
[3] He Z. Asymmetric impacts of individual investor sentiment on the time-varying risk-return relation in stock market. International Review of Economics & Finance, 2022, 78, 177-194. (SSCI, ABS二星)
[4] He Z, Chen J, Zhou F, Zhang G, Wen F. Oil price uncertainty and the risk-return relation in stock markets: Evidence from oil-importing and oil-exporting countries. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2022, 27(1): 1154-1172. (SSCI, ABS三星)
[5] He Z, Zheng J. Impacts of economic policy uncertainty on the time-varying risk–return relationship: evidence from G7 countries. Applied Economics Letters, 2022: 1-5. (SSCI, ABS一星)
[6] He Z. Dynamic impacts of crude oil price on Chinese investor sentiment: Nonlinear causality and time-varying effect. International Review of Economics & Finance, 2020, 66, 131-153. (SSCI, ABS二星)
[7] He Z, He L, Wen F. Risk compensation and market returns: The role of investor sentiment in the stock market. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2019, 55(3): 704-718. (SSCI, ESI高被引, ABS二星)
[8] He Z, Zhou F, Xia X, Wen F, Huang. Interaction between Oil Price and Investor Sentiment: Nonlinear Causality, Time-Varying Influence, and Asymmetric Effect. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2019,55(12), 2756-2773. (SSCI, ABS二星)
[9] He Z, Zhou F. Time-varying and asymmetric effects of the oil-specific demand shock on investor sentiment. PloS one, 2018,13(8), e0200734. (SSCI/SCI)
[10] 贺志芳, 周方召. 投资者风险偏好的动态特征——来自国际股票市场的实证证据.系统科学与数学, 2018, 38(03):348-363.(CSCD)
[11] He Z, Huang C, Gong X, Yang X, Wen F. Do Trading Volume and Downside Trading Volume Help Forecast the Downside Risk? EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2017, 13 (12):8367-8382. (SSCI)
[12] 贺志芳, 文凤华, 黄创霞, 杨晓光, 郑石明. 投资者情绪与时变风险补偿系数, 管理科学学报, 2017, 20 (12): 29-38. (CSSCI,国自科基金委管理学A刊)
[13] 贺志芳, 杨鑫, 龚旭, 文凤华. 股指期货市场波动率的预测研究. 系统科学与数学, 2016, 36(8):1160-1174. (CSCD)

[1]国家社会科学后期资助项目(21FJYB003) :投资者风险偏好的动态特征及资产价格波动研究, 2021.10-2023.12,25万元,完成,主持
[2]国家自然科学青年基金项目(71701081):投资者风险偏好的特征及作用机制研究,  2018.1-2020.12,19万元,完成,主持
[3] 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金项目(2017SJB0816):金融市场中投资者风险偏好的特征研究,1万元,2018.1-2018.12,完成,主持


  • 教师简介
  • 科学研究
  • 主讲课程
  • 贺志芳,博士,副教授,硕导。2016年11月毕业于中南大学六合彩网站 获管理学博士学位,2015年8月至2016年8月加拿大温莎大学联合培养博士,2017年2月入职六合彩网站推荐 金融系。主要研究领域包括金融风险管理、金融计量、金融工程和公司融等。在《管理科学学报》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《International Journal of Finance & Economics》、《Pacific-Basin Finance Journal》、《The North American Journal of Economics and Finance》和《Energy》等国内外学术期刊上发表论文30余篇,其中SSCI和SCI收录20余篇,出版专著1部。主持国家自然科学青年基金项目、国家社科基金后期资助项目以及江苏省高校哲学社会科学基金项目,参与国家自然科学基金、教育部人文社科基金多项。荣获江南大学2020-2021年度“至善青年学者”,无锡市第十五届哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖、无锡市第十届自然科学优秀论文三等奖、无锡市第十一届自然科学优秀论文三等奖、湖南省自然科学奖二等奖等奖励。






    《International Journal of Finance and Economics》、《International review of Financial Analysis》、《Global Finance Journal》、《Pacific-Basin Finance Journal》、《Journal of Climate Finance》、《Financial Innovation》、《Finance Research Letters》、《Economic Modelling》、《International Review of Economics and Finance》、《North American Journal of Economics and Finance》、《管理评论》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《经济与管理研究》和《系统科学与数学》等国内外期刊匿名审稿人。

  • 主要论文(第一作者/通讯作者):
    [1] Xiao J, Wen F, He Z. Impact of geopolitical risks on investor attention and speculation in the oil market: Evidence from nonlinear and time-varying analysis. Energy, 2023, 267: 126564. (SCI, JCR一区)
    [2] He Z. Geopolitical risks and investor sentiment: Causality and TVP-VAR analysis. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2023, 67, 101947. (SSCI, ABS二星)
    [3] He Z. Asymmetric impacts of individual investor sentiment on the time-varying risk-return relation in stock market. International Review of Economics & Finance, 2022, 78, 177-194. (SSCI, ABS二星)
    [4] He Z, Chen J, Zhou F, Zhang G, Wen F. Oil price uncertainty and the risk-return relation in stock markets: Evidence from oil-importing and oil-exporting countries. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2022, 27(1): 1154-1172. (SSCI, ABS三星)
    [5] He Z, Zheng J. Impacts of economic policy uncertainty on the time-varying risk–return relationship: evidence from G7 countries. Applied Economics Letters, 2022: 1-5. (SSCI, ABS一星)
    [6] He Z. Dynamic impacts of crude oil price on Chinese investor sentiment: Nonlinear causality and time-varying effect. International Review of Economics & Finance, 2020, 66, 131-153. (SSCI, ABS二星)
    [7] He Z, He L, Wen F. Risk compensation and market returns: The role of investor sentiment in the stock market. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2019, 55(3): 704-718. (SSCI, ESI高被引, ABS二星)
    [8] He Z, Zhou F, Xia X, Wen F, Huang. Interaction between Oil Price and Investor Sentiment: Nonlinear Causality, Time-Varying Influence, and Asymmetric Effect. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2019,55(12), 2756-2773. (SSCI, ABS二星)
    [9] He Z, Zhou F. Time-varying and asymmetric effects of the oil-specific demand shock on investor sentiment. PloS one, 2018,13(8), e0200734. (SSCI/SCI)
    [10] 贺志芳, 周方召. 投资者风险偏好的动态特征——来自国际股票市场的实证证据.系统科学与数学, 2018, 38(03):348-363.(CSCD)
    [11] He Z, Huang C, Gong X, Yang X, Wen F. Do Trading Volume and Downside Trading Volume Help Forecast the Downside Risk? EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2017, 13 (12):8367-8382. (SSCI)
    [12] 贺志芳, 文凤华, 黄创霞, 杨晓光, 郑石明. 投资者情绪与时变风险补偿系数, 管理科学学报, 2017, 20 (12): 29-38. (CSSCI,国自科基金委管理学A刊)
    [13] 贺志芳, 杨鑫, 龚旭, 文凤华. 股指期货市场波动率的预测研究. 系统科学与数学, 2016, 36(8):1160-1174. (CSCD)

    [1]国家社会科学后期资助项目(21FJYB003) :投资者风险偏好的动态特征及资产价格波动研究, 2021.10-2023.12,25万元,完成,主持
    [2]国家自然科学青年基金项目(71701081):投资者风险偏好的特征及作用机制研究,  2018.1-2020.12,19万元,完成,主持
    [3] 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金项目(2017SJB0816):金融市场中投资者风险偏好的特征研究,1万元,2018.1-2018.12,完成,主持
  • 本科生课程:《风险管理》、《金融计量学》