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[1]    Foti, Lianne, Xiajing Zhu, Yige Yuan and Lefa Teng* (2020), “Broadcasting and Narrowcasting: The Impact of Affective and Cognitive Message Framing on Message Persuasiveness,” International Journal of Advertising (Forthcoming). (SSCI, I区)
[2]    滕乐法,吴媛媛,李峰.越沉浸越好吗?——品牌体验中消费者沉浸程度的双重影响研究[J].管理世界,2020,36(06):153-167.
[3]    Teng, Lefa*, Guangzhi Zhao, Yuanyuan Wu, Hongyu Fu and Jiajing Wang (2019), “Positive Versus Negative Messaging in Discouraging Drunken Driving: Matching Behavior Consequences with Target Groups,” Journal of Advertising Research, 59 (2), 185-195. (SSCI, II区)
[4]    Zhu, Xiajing, Lefa Teng*, Lianne Foti and Yige Yuan (2019), “Using Self-Congruence Theory to Explain the Interaction Effects of Brand Type and Celebrity Type on Consumer Attitude Formation,” Journal of Business Research, 103, 301-309. (SSCI, I区)
[5]    Laroche, Michel and Lefa Teng (2019), “Understanding the Global Consumer Culture: Views from Eastern and Western Scholars, an Introduction to the Special Issue,” Journal of Business Research, 103, 219-221. (SSCI, I区)
[6]    Teng, Lefa, Guangzhi Zhao, Feng Li, Lu Liu and Lulu Shen (2019), “Increasing the Persuasiveness of Anti-Drunk Driving Appeals: The Effect of Negative and Positive Message Framing,” Journal of Business Research, 103, 240-249. (SSCI, I区)
[7]    Chen, Jie, Lefa Teng* and Yonghai Liao (2018), “Counterfeit Luxuries: Does Moral Reasoning Strategy Influence Consumers’ Pursuit of Counterfeits?” Journal of Business Ethics, 151 (1), 249-264. (SSCI, I区)
[8]    Teng, Lefa*, Dan Huang and Yigang Pan (2017), “The Performance of MNE Subsidiaries in China: Does It Matter to be Close to the Political or Business Hub?” Journal of International Management, 23 (3), 292-305. (SSCI, II区)
[9]    Chen, Jie, Lefa Teng*, Ying Yu and Xueer Yu (2016), “The Effect of Online Information Sources on Purchase Intentions Between Consumers with High and Low Susceptibility to Informational Influence,” Journal of Business Research, 69 (2), 467-475. (SSCI, I区)
[10]    Chen, Jie, Lefa Teng*, Shixiong Liu and Huihuang Zhu (2015), “Anticipating Regret and Consumers' Preferences for Counterfeit Luxury Products,” Journal of Business Research, 68 (3), 507-515. (SSCI, I区)
[11]    Ye, Nan, Lefa Teng*, Ying Yu and Yingyuan Wang (2015), “‘What's in It for Me?’: The Effect of Donation Outcomes on Donation Behavior,” Journal of Business Research, 68 (3), 480-486. (SSCI, I区)
[12]    Laroche, Michel and Lefa Teng (2015), “Globalization and Marketing Strategies: Introduction to the Shanghai Special Issue,” Journal of Business Research, 68 (3), 587-590. (SSCI, I区)
[13]    Pan, Yigang, Lefa Teng*, Atipol Bhanich Supapol, Xiongwen Lu, Dan Huang and Zhennan Wang (2014), “Firms’ FDI Ownership: The Influence of Government Ownership and Legislative Connections,” Journal of International Business Studies, 45 (8), 1029-1043. (SSCI, I区)
[14]    Teng, Lefa*, Nan Ye, Ying Yu and Xiaochuang Wu (2014), “Effects of Culturally Verbal and Visual Congruency/Incongruency Across Cultures in a Competitive Advertising Context,” Journal of Business Research, 67 (3), 288-294. (SSCI, I区)
[15]    Pan, Yigang, Lefa Teng*, Mingyang Yu, Xiongwen Lu and Dan Huang (2014), “Host-Country Headquarters of Us Firms in China: An Empirical Study,” Journal of International Management, 20 (4), 379-389. (SSCI, II区)
* 通讯作者(Corresponding author)


  • 教师简介
  • 科学研究
  • 主讲课程
  • 滕乐法,教授、博士生导师,江南大学质量品牌研究院执行院长,江苏高校哲学社会科学重点研究基地“品牌战略与管理创新研究基地”首席专家和江苏省“双创计划”人才(A类)。2003年获加拿大康考迪亚大学(Concordia University)市场营销学博士学位,历任加拿大圭尔夫大学(University of Guelph)助理教授、终身副教授、终身正教授。2009年至2013年期间,任上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院市场营销系系主任。

    目前承担国家自然科学基金重点项目“经济转型与国际化背景下品牌建设的理论创新研究”(718320052019-2023),持续在国内外顶尖/著名学术期刊(如《管理世界》、Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Advertising Research等)发表论文(一作或通讯作者)。曾担任International Journal of Advertising1次)和Journal of Business Research(三次)特邀联合主编,并三次担任国际营销、广告与品牌大会的执行主席。











    滕乐法,李峰,吴媛媛,马振峰. 市场营销学[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社,2020


    国家自然科学基金委管理科学部会评专家(2019 & 2020

    Journal of Business Research期刊(SSCII 区)特邀联合主编(2016-2021

    International Journal of Advertising期刊(SSCII 区)特邀联合主编(2018-2020





  • 主要从事的研究方向包括品牌战略、消费者行为及国际营销等。

    [1]    Foti, Lianne, Xiajing Zhu, Yige Yuan and Lefa Teng* (2020), “Broadcasting and Narrowcasting: The Impact of Affective and Cognitive Message Framing on Message Persuasiveness,” International Journal of Advertising (Forthcoming). (SSCI, I区)
    [2]    滕乐法,吴媛媛,李峰.越沉浸越好吗?——品牌体验中消费者沉浸程度的双重影响研究[J].管理世界,2020,36(06):153-167.
    [3]    Teng, Lefa*, Guangzhi Zhao, Yuanyuan Wu, Hongyu Fu and Jiajing Wang (2019), “Positive Versus Negative Messaging in Discouraging Drunken Driving: Matching Behavior Consequences with Target Groups,” Journal of Advertising Research, 59 (2), 185-195. (SSCI, II区)
    [4]    Zhu, Xiajing, Lefa Teng*, Lianne Foti and Yige Yuan (2019), “Using Self-Congruence Theory to Explain the Interaction Effects of Brand Type and Celebrity Type on Consumer Attitude Formation,” Journal of Business Research, 103, 301-309. (SSCI, I区)
    [5]    Laroche, Michel and Lefa Teng (2019), “Understanding the Global Consumer Culture: Views from Eastern and Western Scholars, an Introduction to the Special Issue,” Journal of Business Research, 103, 219-221. (SSCI, I区)
    [6]    Teng, Lefa, Guangzhi Zhao, Feng Li, Lu Liu and Lulu Shen (2019), “Increasing the Persuasiveness of Anti-Drunk Driving Appeals: The Effect of Negative and Positive Message Framing,” Journal of Business Research, 103, 240-249. (SSCI, I区)
    [7]    Chen, Jie, Lefa Teng* and Yonghai Liao (2018), “Counterfeit Luxuries: Does Moral Reasoning Strategy Influence Consumers’ Pursuit of Counterfeits?” Journal of Business Ethics, 151 (1), 249-264. (SSCI, I区)
    [8]    Teng, Lefa*, Dan Huang and Yigang Pan (2017), “The Performance of MNE Subsidiaries in China: Does It Matter to be Close to the Political or Business Hub?” Journal of International Management, 23 (3), 292-305. (SSCI, II区)
    [9]    Chen, Jie, Lefa Teng*, Ying Yu and Xueer Yu (2016), “The Effect of Online Information Sources on Purchase Intentions Between Consumers with High and Low Susceptibility to Informational Influence,” Journal of Business Research, 69 (2), 467-475. (SSCI, I区)
    [10]    Chen, Jie, Lefa Teng*, Shixiong Liu and Huihuang Zhu (2015), “Anticipating Regret and Consumers' Preferences for Counterfeit Luxury Products,” Journal of Business Research, 68 (3), 507-515. (SSCI, I区)
    [11]    Ye, Nan, Lefa Teng*, Ying Yu and Yingyuan Wang (2015), “‘What's in It for Me?’: The Effect of Donation Outcomes on Donation Behavior,” Journal of Business Research, 68 (3), 480-486. (SSCI, I区)
    [12]    Laroche, Michel and Lefa Teng (2015), “Globalization and Marketing Strategies: Introduction to the Shanghai Special Issue,” Journal of Business Research, 68 (3), 587-590. (SSCI, I区)
    [13]    Pan, Yigang, Lefa Teng*, Atipol Bhanich Supapol, Xiongwen Lu, Dan Huang and Zhennan Wang (2014), “Firms’ FDI Ownership: The Influence of Government Ownership and Legislative Connections,” Journal of International Business Studies, 45 (8), 1029-1043. (SSCI, I区)
    [14]    Teng, Lefa*, Nan Ye, Ying Yu and Xiaochuang Wu (2014), “Effects of Culturally Verbal and Visual Congruency/Incongruency Across Cultures in a Competitive Advertising Context,” Journal of Business Research, 67 (3), 288-294. (SSCI, I区)
    [15]    Pan, Yigang, Lefa Teng*, Mingyang Yu, Xiongwen Lu and Dan Huang (2014), “Host-Country Headquarters of Us Firms in China: An Empirical Study,” Journal of International Management, 20 (4), 379-389. (SSCI, II区)
    * 通讯作者(Corresponding author)

  • 本科生课程:市场营销。