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1.Zhang, W., Hou, T., & Gou, Q. (2023). Choosing a self-built or an intermediary platform for hosting winner-take-all crowdsourcing contests?. Accepted by Annals of Operations Research. (SCI, ABS G3)
2.Pu, X., Wang, Z., & Zhang, W. (2023). Optimal homing policy of the manufacturer facing competing platforms: The effect of selling formats. International Journal of Production Research, doi: 10.1080/00207543.2023.2208393. (SCI, ABS G3)
3.Zhang, Y., Zhang, W., Shi, X., & Hou, T. (2023). Competing refurbishment in a supply chain with different selling modes. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, doi: //doi.org/10.1007/s10845-023-02180-7. (SCI, 中科院1区TOP)
4.Zhang, W., Yu, L., & Wang, Z. (2023). Live-streaming selling modes on a retail platform. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 173, 103096. (SCI&SSCI, ABS G3)
5.Yang, W., Wu, Y., Gou, Q., & Zhang, W. (2023). Co-opetition strategies in supply chains with strategic customers. Production and Operations Management, 32(1), 319-334. (UTD24, ABS G4)
6.Zhang, W., He, Y., Gou, Q., & Yang, W. (2023). Optimal advance selling strategy with information provision for omni-channel retailers. Annals of Operations Research, 329, 573-602. (SCI, ABS G3)
7.Zhang, Y., & Zhang, W. (2023). Optimal pricing and greening decisions in a supply chain when considering market segmentation. Annals of Operations Research, 324, 93-130. (SCI, ABS G3)
8.Chen, J., Zhang, W., Gong, B., Zhang, X., & Li, H. (2022). Optimal policy for the recycling of electric vehicle retired power batteries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 183, 121930. (SSCI, ABS G3)
9.Zhang, W., & Yang, W. (2021). Optimal pre-order strategy with delay in payments. Annals of Operations Research, 305, 347-374. (SCI, ABS G3)
10.Hou, T., & Zhang, W. (2021). Optimal two-stage elimination contests for crowdsourcing. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 145, 102156. (SCI&SSCI, ABS G3)
11.Zhang, W., Liu, Z., Shi, X., & Chen, J. (2020). Managing strategic contradictions: A resource allocation mechanism for balancing ambidextrous innovation. Computers in Human Behavior, 107, 106277. (SSCI, 中科院1区TOP)
12.Zhang, W., & He, Y. (2019). Optimal policies for new and green remanufactured short-life-cycle products considering consumer behavior. Journal of Cleaner Production, 214, 483-505. (SCI, 中科院1区TOP)