联系方式: [email protected]
[1]菅利荣, 刘思峰, 刘勇. 预测与决策软计算方法及应用[M].北京:电子工业出版社(教材, 2016).
[2]刘勇.基于跨组织知识集成网络的高校科技成果转化模式研究[M].北京:科学出版社(专著, 2019).
[3]Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest, Yong Liu. Value in Business-a holistic, systems-based approach to creating and achieving[M]. Springer,2021 978-3-030-82897-4
[4]刘勇.基于跨组织知识集成网络的网络型产学研协调机制研究[M].南京:南京大学出版社(专著, 2024).
[5] 张瑜, 刘勇, 徐晓璇, 郑庆华, 周玮. 采购管理[M].北京:科学出版社(编著教材, 2024).
[1] Qin Jiang, Yong Liu, Jin-hong Yi. A three-way conflict analysis model with decision makers’ varying preferences[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2024, 151, 111171, //doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2023.111171(SCI) TOP期刊
[2]Liu, Yong; Lin, Chang-xue; Zhao, Gang. A pricing strategy of dual-channel supply chain considering online reviews and in-sale service[J]. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2024,39(1): (SSCI) abs2星
[3]Qin-Jiang, Yong Liu, Zi-hong Huang. A framework for capturing and evaluating value propositions of smart product considering users’ experiences [J]. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2024, //doi.org/10.1080/09537325.2024.2310642 (SSCI) abs两星
[4]刘勇, 王朱程. 考虑成本与质量价值的复杂装备研制进度控制方法[J]. 运筹与管理, 2024国家自然基金委认定A类期刊
[5]Liu, Yong; Wang, Zhao-ting; Huang, Zi-hong; Forrest, Jeffrey Yi-Lin. Resource conflicts resolution of sophisticated production lines during the process of product renewal[J]. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2024, 71: 5965-5981. 10.1109/TEM.2024.3372584(SCI/SSCI) abs3星
[6] Yong Liu, Qin Jiang, Zi-hong Huang, and Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest. A Multi-objective Super Conflict Grey Target Negotiation Consensus Approach [J]. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2024, DOI 10.1109/TSMC.2024.3374340(SCI/SSCI) abs3星
[7]Huan-huan Zhao, Yong Liu, Wen-wen Ren. Rebate incentive strategy for online reviews[J]. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 2024, (SSCI) abs1星
[8]Liu, Yong; Guo, Xue-ge; Jiang, Qin; Zhang, Jing-yi. Grey conflict analysis approach with constrains[J]. Kybernetes, 2024, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. //doi.org/10.1108/K-11-2023-2488(SCI/SSCI) abs1星
[9]Shi-tong Liu, Yong Liu, Jia-ming Ding. Products ranking through two-stage online customer reviews information[J]. Intelligent Data Analysis, 2024(SCI)
[10] Xiao-jie Xu, Yong Liu, Shi-tong Liu. Supplier selection method for complex product based on grey group clustering and improved criteria importance[J]. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2023(SCI)
[11]Xue-ge Guo, Yong Liu, Zhen-juan Xia. Decision analysis and coordination of dual supply chain with retailer's offline return service and online reviews [J]. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2023,43(1):322-335, DOI:10.1002/mde.3684. (SSCI) abs两星
[12] Sheng-qiang Gu, Yong Liu, Wei-xue Diao. A multi-objective grey hierarchical group consensus model and its application. Grey Systems: Theory and Application, 2023,23(3): 427-444. DOI: 10.1108/GS-09-2022-0095 (SCI)
[13]Yong Liu, Jian Li, Jia-shu Liu, Li-fang Wang, and Jin-hong Yi. A government- subsidies incentive mechanism for research and development of industrial generic technologies [J]. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2023,70(6):2305-2319.(SCI/SSCI) abs3星
[14]Xue-ge Guo, Yong Liu, Huanhuan Zhao, Hanru Zhang, Gang Zhao, Zhiying Han. A Grey Three-Way Decision Approach and Its Application[J]. The Journal of Grey System, 2023,35(2):105-129.
[15]Shu-qian Gu, Yong Liu, Gang Zhao. Pricing coordination of a dual-channel supply chain considering offline in-sale service[J]. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2023,75, DOI10.1016/j.jretconser.2023.103483(SSCI) abs两星
[16]Xiao-jie Xu, Yong Liu, Ren, Wen-wen, Forrest, Jeffrey. Pricing decision making and coordination of a dual-channel supply chain considering online reviews and channel preferences [J]. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2023, DOI10.1002/mde.3974. (SSCI) abs两星
[17] Chen-hao Wang, Yong Liu, Zi-yi Pan. The impact of reference price effect on pricing decisions [J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2023(SSCI) abs1星
[18]Zhi-ying Han, Yong Liu, Xue-ge Guo, Jun-qian Xu. Regional differences of high-quality development level for manufacturing industry in China[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(5): 4368-4395. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022202(SCI、SSCI)
[19]Wei-xue Diao, Yong Liu. Two-level consensus modeling with utility and cost constraints[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2022,33(3) :716-726.(SCI)
[20]Yong Liu, Wen-wen Ren, Qian Xu, Zhi-yang Liu. A coordination mechanism through cost sharing of corporate social responsibility and government subsidy in a two-echelon supply chain [J]. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2022, 37(1):29-46. (SSCI). abs两星
[21] Junliang Du, Sifeng Liu, Yong Liu. A limited cost consensus approach with fairness and concern and its application [J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2022. (298) 261–275 (SCI)abs四星
[22]Jin-hong Yi, Yong Liu, Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest, Xue-ge Guo , Xiao-jie Xu. A three-way decision approach with S-shaped utility function under Pythagorean fuzzy information[J]. Expert System With Application, 2022, Volume 210, 118370 //doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2022.118370 (SCI/SSCI, TOP )abs1星
[23]Yong Liu, Ting Zhou, Wei-xue Diao, Jin-hong Yi. A multivariate minimum cost consensus approach for two-level group decision making [J]. Opsearch Journal of the OR Society of India, 2022,59(3): 839 – 861. DOI10.1007/s12597-022-00571-7(SCI/SSCI) abs1星
[24]Wen-wen Ren, Yong Liu, Qi Zhang, Xiao-ying Wang. Sales strategies considering consumer purchasing preferences for imperfect complementary products[J]. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 2022,21(2): 164-182. (SSCI). abs两星
[25]Zhen-juan Xia, Yong Liu, Qi Zhang. A dual channel supply chain revenue sharing contract considering online reviews and rebate [J]. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 2022, 21 (3):321-331. abs两星
[26]Junliang Du, Sifeng Liu, Yong Liu, Liangyan Tao. Multi-Criteria Large-Scale Group Decision-Making in Linguistic Contexts: A Perspective of Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Group Decision and Negotiation, 2022. //doi.org/10.1007/s10726-022-09804-y
[27]Junliang Du, Sifeng Liu, Yong Liu. Grey target negotiation consensus model based on super conflict equilibrium[J]. Group Decision and Negotiation, 2021,30(4), 915-944. (SSCI, ABS两星)
[28]Junliang Du, Sifeng Liu, Yong Liu. A novel grey multi-criteria three-way decisions model and its application [J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 107405, 2021. doi: //doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2021.107405(SCI, ABS两星)
[29]Yong Liu, Wen-xue Gan, Qi Zhang. Decision-making mechanism of online retailer based on additional online comments of consumers[J]. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2021, 59, 102389,//doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2020.102389(SSCI, ABS两星)
[30]Yong Liu, Wen-xue Gan, Wen-wen Ren. Influence mechanism of online consumer comments on e-retailer [J]. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2021,42(5): 1132-1145. (SSCI, ABS两星)
[31]Junliang Du, Sifeng Liu, Yong Liu, Jinhong Yi. A novel approach to three-way conflict analysis and resolution with Pythagorean fuzzy information, Information Sciences, 2021. //doi: 10.1016/j.ins.2021.10.051(SCI, ABS两星)
[32]Yong Liu, Zhi-yang Liu, Jiao Li. Supply chain channel conflict coordination with consumer network acceptance [J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2021, Vol. 33,No. 3.:846-868. (SSCI, ABS两星)
[33]Yong Liu, Zhen-juan Xia, Qian-qian Shi, Qian Xu. Pricing and coordination of waste electrical and electronic equipment under third-party recycling in a closed-loop supply chain[J]. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2021, 23(8), 12077-12094 //doi.org/10.1007/s10668-020-01158-2. (SCI)
[33]Yong Liu, Jun-liang Du, Jiao Li. A novel grey object matrix incidence clustering model for panel data and its application[J]. Scientia Iranica E, 2021,28(1):371-385. (SCI)
[34]Yong Liu, Wei-xue Diao, Jun Yang, Jin-hong Yi. A Visual Social Network Group Consensus Approach with Minimum Adjustment Based on Pythagorean Fuzzy Set[J]. Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems,2021,18(6):167-183 (SCI)
[35]Yong Liu, Ting Zhou, Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest. A multivariate minimum cost consensus model for negotiations of holdout demolition[J]. Group Decision and Negotiation, 2020, 29(5), 871-899.DOI: 10.1007/s10726-020-09683-1. (SSCI, ABS两星)
[36]Yong Liu, Xiao-ying Wang Wen-wen Ren. A bundling sales strategy for a two-stage supply chain based on the complementarity elasticity of imperfect complementary products[J]. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2020, Vol. 35 No. 6.:983–1000. (SSCI, ABS两星)
[37]Yong Liu, Dong-dong Wang, Qian Xu. A supply chain coordination mechanism with suppliers’ effort performance level and fairness concern [J]. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020,53,101950, //doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2019.101950(SSCI, ABS两星)
[38]Yong Liu, Jiao Li, Wen-wen Ren, Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest.. Differentiated products pricing with consumer network acceptance in a dual-channel supply chain [J]. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2020, 39,100915, //doi.org/10.1016/j.elerap.2019.100915(SSCI, ABS两星)
[39]Yong Liu, Qian Xu, Zhi-yang Liu. A coordination mechanism through value-added profit distribution in a supply chain considering corporate social responsibility[J]. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2020, 41(4): 586-598. (SSCI, ABS两星)
[40]Yong Liu, Junliang Du. A multi criteria decision support framework for renewable energy storage technology selection[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020(277),122183,//doi: //doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122183. (TOP期刊,SSCI/SCI, ABS 两星)
[41] Yong Liu, Zhi-yang Liu, Wen-wen Ren, Jeffrey Yi Lin Forrest. A coordination mechanism through relational contract in a two-echelon supply chain [J]. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020,56, //doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2020.102156(SSCI, ABS两星)
[42]Yong Liu, Zhi-yang Liu, Jian Li. Research on Efficiency and Differences of Regional Industry-University-Research Synergetic Innovation in China [J]. Technology in Society, 2020,(63),101369,doi: //doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2020.101369.(SSCI)
[43]刘勇, 杜俊良, 赵焕焕. 基于灰色关联模型的高校R&D影响因素分析与时滞测度[J]. 运筹与管理, 2020,29(2):150-156.
[44]Yong Liu, Jun-liang Du, Yu-hong Wang. An improved grey group decision-making approach [J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2019, 76(3): 78-88. (TOP期刊, SCI/SSCI)
[45]Yong Liu, Bing-ting Quan, Qian Xu, Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest. Corporate social responsibility and decision analysis in a supply chain through government subsidy[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 208(20): 436-437. (TOP期刊,SSCI/SCI, ABS 两星)
[46]Yong Liu, Jiao Li, Bing-ting Quan, Jin-bi Yang. Decision analysis and coordination of two stage supply chain considering cost information asymmetry of corporate social responsibility[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2019,228: 1073-1087. (TOP期刊,SSCI/SCI, ABS 两星)
[47]Yong Liu, Jun-liang Du, Jin-bi Yang, Wu-yong Qian, Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest. An Incentive Mechanism for General Purpose Technologies R&D based on the Concept of Super-conflict Equilibrium: Empirical Evidence from Nano Industrial Technology in China[J].Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2019,147:185-197. (TOP期刊,SSCI, ABS 三星)
[48]Yong Liu, Renshi Zhang. A Three-way Grey Incidence Clustering Approach with Changing Decision Objects[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2019,137, 106087, doi: //doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2019.106087. (SSCI/SCI, ABS 两星)
[49]Yong Liu, Xiao-ying Wang, Hui Li. A multi- object grey target approach for group decision[J]. The Journal of Grey System, 2019, 31(4) :60-72.(SCI)
[50]Yong Liu, Junliang Du, Ren-shi Zhang, Yi Lin. Three way decisions based grey incidence analysis clustering approach for panel data and its application, Kybernetes,2019,48(9):2117-2137. (SCI)
[51]Yong Liu, Jiao Li, Ren-shiZhang. Decision-making approach by employing grey incidence analysis and group negotiation [J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2019,30(4):760-769 (SCI,EI).
[52]Junliang Du, Yong Liu, Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest. An interactive group decision model for selecting treatment schemes for mitigating air pollution [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019,26(18): 18687–18707.(SSCI/SCI)
[5]中航传媒有限责任公司委托项目,GX2015-1014(Y), 广义虚拟经济视角下区域创意产业植入机制与培育模式研究,结题,主持
[14]江苏省科协调研课题,JSKXKT 2020023, 基于政产学研联动耦合的物联网产业核心技术协同攻关机制研究,结题,主持
[22]无锡市软件和信息服务业十四五规划, 2020,结题,主持
[23] 江阴市十四五县域治理现代化体系研究, 2020,结题,主持
[24] 宿迁市白酒产业发展规划,2022,在研,主持
[27]青海省社科规划项目, 江苏青海两省产业支援协作机制研究, 23YQA-003,在研,主持
[28]教育部工程研究中心创新基金项目, 132005, 基于用户画像的老年人在线教育个性化定制方案研究,6万, 在研, 主持