




联系方式:[email protected]

[1]    Ye Liang (本科生), Du Pei*, Wang Shubin. (2024). Industrial carbon emission forecasting considering externa factors based on linear and machine learning models. Journal of Cleaner Production, Accepted. (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:11.1,JCR分区:Q1)
[2]    Xu Yan, Li Jing, Dong Yan, Du Pei*. (2024). Power load combination forecasting system based on longitudinal data selection. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Accepted. (中科院SCI二区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8,JCR分区:Q1)
[3]    Xu Yan, Lin Tong, Du Pei*, Wang Jianzhou. (2024). An innovative interval grey model for construction waste forecasting. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 126, 22-51. //doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2023.10.013 (中科院数学类SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:5,JCR分区:Q1)
[4]    Xu Yan, Liu Tianli, Du Pei*. (2024). Volatility forecasting of crude oil futures based on Bi-LSTM-Attention model: The dynamic role of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Resources Policy, 88, 104319. //doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2023.104319 (SSCI一区,ABS 2,影响因子:10.2, JCR分区:Q1)
[5]    Xu Yan, Lin Tong, Du Pei*. (2024). A hybrid coal prediction model based on grey Markov optimized by GWO – A case study of Hebei province in China. Expert Systems with Applications, 235, 121194. //doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2023.121194 (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.5,JCR分区:Q1)
[6]    Zhao Erlong, Du Pei, Azaglo Ernest Young, Wang Shouyang, Sun Shaolong*. (2023). Forecasting daily tourism volume: a hybrid approach with CEMMDAN and multi-kernel adaptive ensemble. Current Issues in Tourism, 26, 1112-1131. //doi.org/ 10.1080/13683500.2022.2048806 (SSCI一区,影响因子:8,JCR分区:Q1)
[7]    Du Pei, Guo Ju’e, Sun Shaolong, Wang Shouyang, Wu Jing*. (2022). A novel two-stage seasonal grey model for residential electricity consumption forecasting. Energy, 258, 124664. //doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2022.124664 (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:9,JCR分区:Q1)
[8]    Zhao Erlong, Du Pei, Sun Shaolong*. (2022). Historical pattern recognition with trajectory similarity for daily tourist arrivals forecasting. Expert Systems with Applications, 203, 117427. //doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2022.117427 (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.5,JCR分区:Q1)
[9]    杜 沛,王建州*.北京市控制PM2.5污染的健康效益评估[J].环境科学, 2021,42(03):1255-1267.
[10]    Du Pei, Wang Jianzhou*, Niu Tong, Yang Wendong. (2021). PM2.5 prediction and related health effects and economic cost assessments in 2020 and 2021: Case studies in Jing-Jin-Ji, China. Knowledge-Based Systems, 233, 107487. //doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2021.107487 (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.8,JCR分区:Q1)
[11]    Du Pei, Wang Jianzhou*, Yang Wendong, Niu Tong. (2021). A novel hybrid fine particulate matter (PM2.5) forecasting and its further application system: Case studies in China. Journal of Forecasting. //doi.org/10.1002/for.2785 (SSCI,影响因子:3.4,JCR分区:Q2, 预测领域知名期刊)
[12]    Du Pei, Guo Ju’e, Sun Shaolong, Wang Shouyang, Wu Jing*. (2021). Multi-step metal prices forecasting based on a data preprocessing method and an optimized extreme learning machine by marine predators algorithm. Resources Policy, 74. //doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2021.102335 (SSCI一区,ABS 2,影响因子:10.2, JCR分区:Q1)
[13]    Wang Jianzhou, Du Pei*. (2021). Quarterly PM2.5 prediction using a novel seasonal grey model and its further application in health effects and economic loss assessment: evidences from Shanghai and Tianjin, China. Natural Hazards. 107(1): 889–909 (SCI三区,影响因子:3.7,JCR分区:Q2)
[14]    Du Pei, Wang Jianzhou*, Yang Wendong, Niu Tong. (2020). Point and interval forecasting for metal prices based on variational mode decomposition and an optimized outlier-robust extreme learning machine. Resources Policy, 69. //doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101881 (SSCI一区,ABS 2,影响因子:10.2, JCR分区:Q1)
[15]    Du Pei, Wang Jianzhou*, Hao Yan, Niu Tong, Yang Wendong. (2020). A novel hybrid model based on multi-objective Harris hawks optimization algorithm for daily PM2.5 and PM10 forecasting. Applied Soft Computing, 96. //doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2020.106620 (中科院SCI二区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.7,JCR分区:Q1,Web of science数据库引用次数:93次)
[16]    Wang Jianzhou, Du Pei*, Hao Yan, Ma Xin, Niu Tong, Yang Wendong. (2020). An innovative hybrid model based on outlier detection and correction algorithm and heuristic intelligent optimization algorithm for daily air quality index forecasting. Journal of Environmental Management. 2020, 255, 109855. //doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109855  (中科院SCI二区, TOP 期刊,ABS 3,影响因子:8.7, JCR: Q1, ESI 高被引论文,Web of Science 引用次数:79次)
[17]    Du Pei, Wang Jianzhou*, Yang Wendong, Niu Tong. (2019). Container throughput forecasting using a novel hybrid learning method with error correction strategy. Knowledge-Based Systems, 182, 104853. //doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2019.07.024 (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.8,JCR分区:Q1)
[18]    Du Pei, Wang Jianzhou*, Yang Wendong, Niu Tong. (2019). A novel hybrid model for short-term wind power forecasting. Applied Soft Computing, 80, 93–106. doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2019.03.035. (中科院SCI二区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.7,JCR分区:Q1,ESI高被引论文, Web of science数据库引用次数: 168次)
[19]    Du Pei, Wang Jianzhou*, Yang Wendong, Niu Tong. (2018). Multi-step ahead forecasting in electrical power system using a hybrid forecasting system. Renewable Energy. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2018.01.113 (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.7;JCR分区:Q1,ESI高被引论文和ESI热点论文,Web of science数据库引用次数:120次)
[20]    Wang Jianzhou, Du Pei*, Lu Haiyan, Yang Wendong, Niu Tong. (2018). An improved grey model optimized by multi-objective ant lion optimization algorithm for annual electricity consumption forecasting. Applied Soft Computing. 2018, 72: 321–337. //doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2018.07.022 (中科院SCI二区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.7,JCR分区:Q1,Web of science数据库引用次数:125次)
[21]    Du Pei, Wang Jianzhou*, Guo Zhenhai, Yang Wendong. (2017). Research and application of a novel hybrid forecasting system based on multi-objective optimization for wind speed forecasting. Energy Conversion and Management. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2017.07.065. (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:10.3;JCR分区:Q1,ESI高被引论文和ESI热点论文,Web of science数据库引用次数:131次)
[22]    Wang Jianzhou, Du Pei*, Niu Tong, Yang Wendong. (2017). A novel hybrid system based on a new proposed algorithm—Multi-Objective Whale Optimization Algorithm for wind speed forecasting. Applied Energy. //doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.10.031. (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:11.2,JCR分区:Q1,ESI高被引论文和ESI热点论文,Web of science数据库引用次数:221次)
[23]    Xu Yunzhen, Du Pei*, Wang Jianzhou. (2017). Research and application of a hybrid model based on dynamic fuzzy synthetic evaluation for establishing air quality forecasting and early warning system: A case study in China. Environmental Pollution. //doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2017.01.043. (中科院SCI二区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.9;JCR分区:Q1)


  • 教师简介
  • 科学研究
  • 主讲课程
  • 杜沛,经济学博士,六合彩网站推荐 讲师;主要研究方向包括机器学习、智能优化算法、预测理论与方法研究及其在能源、环境、经济与食品管理等领域的应用;目前,已发表SSCI/SCI检索论文30余篇,以第一/通讯作者发表SSCI/SCI检索论文20余篇,其中5篇SSCI/SCI论文入选ESI高被引论文(单篇引用>100),同时3篇入选ESI热点论文,Web of Science 检索学术论文总被引频次达2300余次,H指数23。连续两年入选美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University)发布的“World’s Top 2% Scientists榜单—“年度科学影响力榜单”(2022-2023)”。

    研究成果主要发表在Journal of Environmental Management、Resources Policy、Applied Soft Computing、Knowledge-Based Systems、Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics、IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy、Journal of Innovation & Knowledge、Current Issues in Tourism、Natural Hazards、Applied Mathematical Modelling、Expert Systems with Applications、Journal of Forecasting、Journal of Cleaner Production、Applied Energy、Renewable Energy、Energy Conversion and Management、Energy和《环境科学》等国内外知名学术期刊,担任Data Science and Management期刊青年编委,担任IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems、Energy、Resources policy、《系统工程理论与实践》等期刊匿名审稿人。曾任Energies和Frontiers in Environmental Science学术期刊特刊执行编辑。

    截止目前,(合作)指导本科生、硕士研究生、博士研究生完成SSCI/SCI论文写作10余篇,论文主要发表在Resources Policy、Applied Mathematical Modelling、Expert Systems with Applications、Journal of Cleaner Production、Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence等SSCI/SCI国际知名学术期刊。曾作为指导老师指导本科生队伍获得美国大学生数学建模竞赛一等奖、二等奖多项。



    2023.02至今,六合彩网站推荐 ,讲师



    [1] 2023年第九届江南大学“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛一等奖, 指导教师 (赵鑫锐、陈坚、杜沛)

  • 研究领域:机器学习、智能优化算法、预测理论与方法
    [1]    Ye Liang (本科生), Du Pei*, Wang Shubin. (2024). Industrial carbon emission forecasting considering externa factors based on linear and machine learning models. Journal of Cleaner Production, Accepted. (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:11.1,JCR分区:Q1)
    [2]    Xu Yan, Li Jing, Dong Yan, Du Pei*. (2024). Power load combination forecasting system based on longitudinal data selection. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Accepted. (中科院SCI二区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8,JCR分区:Q1)
    [3]    Xu Yan, Lin Tong, Du Pei*, Wang Jianzhou. (2024). An innovative interval grey model for construction waste forecasting. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 126, 22-51. //doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2023.10.013 (中科院数学类SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:5,JCR分区:Q1)
    [4]    Xu Yan, Liu Tianli, Du Pei*. (2024). Volatility forecasting of crude oil futures based on Bi-LSTM-Attention model: The dynamic role of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Resources Policy, 88, 104319. //doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2023.104319 (SSCI一区,ABS 2,影响因子:10.2, JCR分区:Q1)
    [5]    Xu Yan, Lin Tong, Du Pei*. (2024). A hybrid coal prediction model based on grey Markov optimized by GWO – A case study of Hebei province in China. Expert Systems with Applications, 235, 121194. //doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2023.121194 (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.5,JCR分区:Q1)
    [6]    Zhao Erlong, Du Pei, Azaglo Ernest Young, Wang Shouyang, Sun Shaolong*. (2023). Forecasting daily tourism volume: a hybrid approach with CEMMDAN and multi-kernel adaptive ensemble. Current Issues in Tourism, 26, 1112-1131. //doi.org/ 10.1080/13683500.2022.2048806 (SSCI一区,影响因子:8,JCR分区:Q1)
    [7]    Du Pei, Guo Ju’e, Sun Shaolong, Wang Shouyang, Wu Jing*. (2022). A novel two-stage seasonal grey model for residential electricity consumption forecasting. Energy, 258, 124664. //doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2022.124664 (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:9,JCR分区:Q1)
    [8]    Zhao Erlong, Du Pei, Sun Shaolong*. (2022). Historical pattern recognition with trajectory similarity for daily tourist arrivals forecasting. Expert Systems with Applications, 203, 117427. //doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2022.117427 (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.5,JCR分区:Q1)
    [9]    杜 沛,王建州*.北京市控制PM2.5污染的健康效益评估[J].环境科学, 2021,42(03):1255-1267.
    [10]    Du Pei, Wang Jianzhou*, Niu Tong, Yang Wendong. (2021). PM2.5 prediction and related health effects and economic cost assessments in 2020 and 2021: Case studies in Jing-Jin-Ji, China. Knowledge-Based Systems, 233, 107487. //doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2021.107487 (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.8,JCR分区:Q1)
    [11]    Du Pei, Wang Jianzhou*, Yang Wendong, Niu Tong. (2021). A novel hybrid fine particulate matter (PM2.5) forecasting and its further application system: Case studies in China. Journal of Forecasting. //doi.org/10.1002/for.2785 (SSCI,影响因子:3.4,JCR分区:Q2, 预测领域知名期刊)
    [12]    Du Pei, Guo Ju’e, Sun Shaolong, Wang Shouyang, Wu Jing*. (2021). Multi-step metal prices forecasting based on a data preprocessing method and an optimized extreme learning machine by marine predators algorithm. Resources Policy, 74. //doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2021.102335 (SSCI一区,ABS 2,影响因子:10.2, JCR分区:Q1)
    [13]    Wang Jianzhou, Du Pei*. (2021). Quarterly PM2.5 prediction using a novel seasonal grey model and its further application in health effects and economic loss assessment: evidences from Shanghai and Tianjin, China. Natural Hazards. 107(1): 889–909 (SCI三区,影响因子:3.7,JCR分区:Q2)
    [14]    Du Pei, Wang Jianzhou*, Yang Wendong, Niu Tong. (2020). Point and interval forecasting for metal prices based on variational mode decomposition and an optimized outlier-robust extreme learning machine. Resources Policy, 69. //doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101881 (SSCI一区,ABS 2,影响因子:10.2, JCR分区:Q1)
    [15]    Du Pei, Wang Jianzhou*, Hao Yan, Niu Tong, Yang Wendong. (2020). A novel hybrid model based on multi-objective Harris hawks optimization algorithm for daily PM2.5 and PM10 forecasting. Applied Soft Computing, 96. //doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2020.106620 (中科院SCI二区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.7,JCR分区:Q1,Web of science数据库引用次数:93次)
    [16]    Wang Jianzhou, Du Pei*, Hao Yan, Ma Xin, Niu Tong, Yang Wendong. (2020). An innovative hybrid model based on outlier detection and correction algorithm and heuristic intelligent optimization algorithm for daily air quality index forecasting. Journal of Environmental Management. 2020, 255, 109855. //doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109855  (中科院SCI二区, TOP 期刊,ABS 3,影响因子:8.7, JCR: Q1, ESI 高被引论文,Web of Science 引用次数:79次)
    [17]    Du Pei, Wang Jianzhou*, Yang Wendong, Niu Tong. (2019). Container throughput forecasting using a novel hybrid learning method with error correction strategy. Knowledge-Based Systems, 182, 104853. //doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2019.07.024 (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.8,JCR分区:Q1)
    [18]    Du Pei, Wang Jianzhou*, Yang Wendong, Niu Tong. (2019). A novel hybrid model for short-term wind power forecasting. Applied Soft Computing, 80, 93–106. doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2019.03.035. (中科院SCI二区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.7,JCR分区:Q1,ESI高被引论文, Web of science数据库引用次数: 168次)
    [19]    Du Pei, Wang Jianzhou*, Yang Wendong, Niu Tong. (2018). Multi-step ahead forecasting in electrical power system using a hybrid forecasting system. Renewable Energy. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2018.01.113 (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.7;JCR分区:Q1,ESI高被引论文和ESI热点论文,Web of science数据库引用次数:120次)
    [20]    Wang Jianzhou, Du Pei*, Lu Haiyan, Yang Wendong, Niu Tong. (2018). An improved grey model optimized by multi-objective ant lion optimization algorithm for annual electricity consumption forecasting. Applied Soft Computing. 2018, 72: 321–337. //doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2018.07.022 (中科院SCI二区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.7,JCR分区:Q1,Web of science数据库引用次数:125次)
    [21]    Du Pei, Wang Jianzhou*, Guo Zhenhai, Yang Wendong. (2017). Research and application of a novel hybrid forecasting system based on multi-objective optimization for wind speed forecasting. Energy Conversion and Management. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2017.07.065. (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:10.3;JCR分区:Q1,ESI高被引论文和ESI热点论文,Web of science数据库引用次数:131次)
    [22]    Wang Jianzhou, Du Pei*, Niu Tong, Yang Wendong. (2017). A novel hybrid system based on a new proposed algorithm—Multi-Objective Whale Optimization Algorithm for wind speed forecasting. Applied Energy. //doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.10.031. (中科院SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子:11.2,JCR分区:Q1,ESI高被引论文和ESI热点论文,Web of science数据库引用次数:221次)
    [23]    Xu Yunzhen, Du Pei*, Wang Jianzhou. (2017). Research and application of a hybrid model based on dynamic fuzzy synthetic evaluation for establishing air quality forecasting and early warning system: A case study in China. Environmental Pollution. //doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2017.01.043. (中科院SCI二区,TOP期刊,影响因子:8.9;JCR分区:Q1)
  • 本科生课程:《时间序列分析》《计量经济学》《应用统计学》